

panda                    pandahabitat

Chengdu Giant Panda Base, home to approximately 100 giant pandas, where scientists conduct research and facilitate a critical breeding program, Dujiangyan Panda Base, which focuses on rescuing injured and ill wild pandas and disease control, and Dujiangyan Panda Valley, with an emphasis on breeding and releasing pandas back into the wild.At Dujiangyan Panda Valley, you’ll have an optional chance for a volunteer experience .wild nature reserve where we search for pandas and moon bears, as well as other rare and beautiful wildlife like takin, serow and golden pheasant,In the wild Minshan Mountains, we explore a forested sanctuary seen by only a handful of Westerners. A global biodiversity hotspot, it’s home to some of the world’s most endangered wildlife, including takin and snub-nosed golden monkeys, in addition to wild giant pandas

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Minshan Mountains
Although the giant panda habitats in the Minshan Mountains area (Sichuan and Gansu Provinces) are larger, viewed collectively, fewer giant pandas live in these habitats – only about 45% of the total population of giant pandas living in the wild, in fact, live in the Minshan Mountains area. There are 27 giant panda reserves in the mountains area to protect them.
Qinling Mountains
The remainder live in the much smaller geographical area of the Qinling Mountains of Shaanxi Province. The mountains channel rainwater into Yangtze River and Yellow River which are China’s mother rivers. The warm rains support a variety of animals and plants. This area is home to few hundred pandas and some other endangered species, like golden monkey.