Ancient Civilisations

6 Million years ago Walking on two legs in Africa.

3 Million years ago Use of stone tools Africa.

2.5 million years ago Jaw mussels reduce in size allowing brain growth.Homo Habilis.

2 million years ago Homo Erectus in Africa. Spread to Asia 1.8 million years ago. Stone tools.

600,000 years ago speech developed in Homo Heidelbergensis.

120,000 years ago Homo Sapiens left Africa for the Levant but did not survive. Maybe Tobo Volcano.

90,000 years ago tried again and spread down through Asia reaching Australia by about 60,000 years ago.

Spread into Europe about 40,000 years ago.

Met other Hominids on the way Denisovans in Asia (survived until about 20000 years ago.), Homo Florensis in Indonesia (survived until 18000 years ago ) and Neandathals in Europe (survived until about 23000 years ago).

look at the Bradshaw Rock Art site. 

40000 years ago Cave Paintings Africa, Indonesia ,Australia,

35000 years ago Cave Paintings Lascaux France, Chauvet France, El Castillo Northern Spain.

12000 Years ago Gobekli Tepe in Turkey First Megalithic site.

7000 years ago  simultaneously civilisation, Pottery, beer, boats,

Mesopotamia , based on Eindcorn Wheat , Barley , legumes including lentils and chickpeas, beans, onions, garlic, leeks, melons, eggplants, turnips, lettuce, cucumbers, apples, grapes, plums, figs, pears, dates, pomegranates, apricots, pistachios and a variety of herbs and spices. Meat came mainly from cattle, but the Mesopotanians  also kept chickens and some sheep and goats, and hunted a wide range of wildfowl and wild animals such as deer, antelopes and wild boar. They also ate fish and shellfish from the rivers, lakes and the sea.

Indus Valley , Harappans,  based on Wheat , Barley , legumes including lentils and chickpeas, beans , brown mustard greens, coriander, dates, jujube, walnuts, grapes, figs; many others, such as mango, okra, caper, sugarcane, garlic, turmeric, ginger, cumin and cinnamon,  Sesame was grown for oil, and linseed oil may also have been used. Meat came mainly from cattle, but the Harappans also kept chickens, buffaloes and some sheep and goats, and hunted a wide range of wildfowl and wild animals such as deer, antelopes and wild boar. They also ate fish and shellfish from the rivers, lakes and the sea.

Supe river Caral in Peru , The Norte Chico people, Based on Cotton, maize, marine or oceanic animals, beans, squash, camote, lucuma, and guava, Avocado , potatoe, chili.

Yantze River China,  Rice, Silk,

6000 years ago Megaliths in Malta,Spain, France , Ireland, England , Scotland , Denmark. Stone Circles , Court and Passage tombs. Believed to be built by the Anatolian Farmers Spreading across Europe in two waves. One along the Danube Valley and One along the N Mediterranean coast and Islands  and up the Atlantic coast.

5000 year ago Pyramids in Egypt, Caral.