Wildlife of the World

There are now over 7 000 000 000 Humans in the world compared with

Primates Gorillas Mountain 800 Gorillas Lowland 90 000 Chimpanzee 150 000 Orangutan 55 000

Big cats African Lion sub saharan africa est 35000 left in wild. African Leopard 300000+ Cheetah 15000 Asiatic Lion 500 Asiatic Leopard 15000 Tiger Bengal 3000 Tiger Siberian 500 Jaguar 170000 Puma 50000 Snow Leopard 6000 Tiger Sumatran 400

Dogs Wolves 200000

Bears Grizzly 50 000 Polar 25000 Spirit 1000 Sun Bear 1000

Badgers Badgers

  Herbivores Elephant 440000  Rhino Black 5000 Cape Buffalo 90 000 American Bison

Whales Blue 25000 Sperm 100000 Humpback 100000

    Sloths, Armadillos Sloth Ant eaters and Armadillos

  Monotremes and Marsupials Quolls Tasmanian Devils Platypus

Fish and Reptiles Whale shark Great White Shark 3500 est Manta ray Basking Shark.  Leather back turtle 60000

Amphibians Reptiles