Other Whales

Other Whales.

Grey Whales. Two populations,

1.West Pacific, migrate from arctic to Hawaii and Baja peninsular (DEC-APR)

2.Eastern Pacific spend winter in Korean peninsular and Japan (DEC-APR)

Right Whales. Northern an Southern.

1. Northern,  Migrate Greenland to spend winter in the Caribbean (DEC-APR)

2.Southern , spend (June to Sept) off Australia, New Zealand, South Africa and South America.

Australian Southern right Eastern Group about 300 off Warrnambool ,  Logans beach june to sept Portland , Waitpinga Cliffs on the Fleurieu Peninsula as whales come into Encounter Bay. Encounter bay may to October Head of the bight SA.

Western Group The largest of these nurseries lies beneath the towering cliffs at Head of Bight, the most northerly point of the Great Australian Bight with about 2585 whales Western Australia between Esperance and Flinders Bay provides shelter for western populations of southern right whales in winter.
Albany on Western Australia’s south coast  Killer whales, which stalk the depths of the Bremer Canyon in summer, hunt southern right mothers and calves close to shore at this time of year.