Western Australia, Bremar Canyon and Ningaloo.

Bremar canyon off  WA attract large numbers of whales , including Blue and many Orcas, and Sharks.

January - April
One of the best places in the world to go whale watching all happens off the coastline of Bremer Bay every January to March. Orca, Sperm Whales, Pilot Whales and Sunfish are just a few of the many species who gather during this time of year to feast on squid and pelagic fish species. The largest congregation of Orca in the southern hemisphere provides the perfect opportunity to meet one of the most elusive species in the ocean, the wild Orca of Australia.
July - October
Southern Right Whales begin to arrive from July onwards in sheltered waters located around Bremer Bay to give birth to the next generation. During these months for the keen eyed observer the occasional Humpback Whale will also be sighted during their northern and southern migrations. The best place to search for and view the resting mothers and calves are in the sheltered bays around Bremer.

Ningaloo especially Coral bay near Exmouth attract Whale Sharks from March to June.